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Houston Livestock and Rodeo Show and Rodeo

The annual Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo have gained popularity over the years as the premier cattle show event. Visitors from across the state and even the country come to Houston each March for a shot at an impressive championship title. On top of the rodeo itself, the Houston Show and Rodeo have a variety of entertainment and fun activities for the entire family.

For the novice to rodeo enthusiast, the Texas Livestock and Rodeo Association (THRA) provide a great introductory guide to the Houston livestock show and rodeo. Along with informative displays, exhibits, and demonstrations, THRA also offers educational programs about the rodeo and beef industry for children and adults alike. Also included in this Open Show are children-only competition events, which allow kids the opportunity to showcase their talent in the ring and experience the rodeo ring at an early age without any adult interference. Even the best horseman will enjoy the opportunity to try his or her skills against some of the best competition at the Houston Livestock and Rodeo Show and Rodeo!

Once the Dallas Cowboys has finished competing at&T Stadium, those who have been waiting to see the best in cowboys and cattle will head back home to the Livestock Show and Rodeo. The Dallas Cowboys takes home the crown of champion each year at the Houston Livestock and Rodeo Show and Rodeo, so if you want to show off your love for the cowboys, show up to the show and enjoy some quality live cattle watching! With the exception of a few lucky winners, the majority of the rodeo audience will be made up of children and other spectators.

For adults, the Houston Livestock and Rodeo Show and Rodeo are the perfect way to get away from the daily grind and enjoy some of the best live cattle events in the nation. With a variety of entertainment and fun activities, the rodeo will keep the entire family entertained for hours and provide an unforgettable experience for everyone. From clowns to cowboys and cowgirls, everyone attending the Houston Livestock and Rodeo Show and Rodeo will feel like a VIP during the show and have fun on and off of the rodeo floor.

The Houston Livestock and Rodeo Show and Rodeo also serve as the official sponsor for the Open Ride, allowing competitors the opportunity to earn an entry into the main rodeo competition by showing off their talent in the Open Ride. If you haven’t yet seen the competition, this is definitely a great opportunity to be a part of the biggest and best rodeo show in the United States.

Those interested in entering the Dallas Cowboy competition can purchase tickets and entry tickets for the Houston show and rodeo from the Thoroughbred Racing Association. The Houston Livestock and Rodeo Show and Rodeo also offer tickets for the National Junior Rodeo Association. For the more adventurous rodeo fan, a special event and entertainment event may be offered for those attending in Texas or those planning to travel to Houston for the competition. Those that do not plan on attending the competition should visit the official website for the Houston Livestock and Rodeo Show and Rodeo to find out what entertainment activities are available at the show and to learn about the different shows held throughout the year.

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